Friday, December 6, 2013

About Natural Direction...

I always feel like it's a good thing to start off with introductions. So, let's do that, shall we?
My name is Megan, and I am currently studying Nutrition with an Emphasis in Wellness at Texas Women's University, and I love it!
I specifically chose to not take the RD (Registered Dietitian) route, because I discovered through some trial and error, that it's just not the path for me. I do not want to work in a hospital. I cannot stand behind some of the nutrition practices that happen there. No offense to anyone else who finds that work to be rewarding, it just wouldn't make me happy. I have decided, rather, to be a health coach, a holistic life coach, a personal nutritionist, a personal trainer, and everything in between. I have way too many interests (that are at least linked together) to focus on just one area of this broad spectrum of wellness.
That's why I use the tagline "wellness from every aspect", because I believe it's important.
Everything from what you eat, to how you move, to the products you use on your body and in your home all contribute to your everyday wellness. And not everyone knows how to balance all of this to attain complete wellness. So, that's what I'm here for. That's what Natural Direction aims to accomplish, teaching others and giving them the tools to create a happy, healthy life for themselves and their families.

Integrating holistic practices with science-backed information is what will bring this out for everyone.

I currently run an Etsy store- Natural Direction - and that is where you can find my homemade, all natural products for yourself and home. Everything from toothpaste to lotion to (eventually) cleaning products will be listed here for your convenient, one-stop-shop for getting rid of those toxins!

I will also be posting meal plans, workouts, and be offering one-on-one counseling calls for specific life areas that you might need help with someday.

Well, what do you think? I'm pretty excited, y'all. Side note: I fought so hard to not get in the habit of saying "y'all" and it just happened, anyway. So, now I embrace it. Be true to yourself, it makes you happy, and that contributes to your wellness. See how easy it is?? :)

Have any questions? Post ideas for things you want me to cover, and offer any advice, love, or rants you might have in the comments section below.

Talk to you soon!

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